Texas A&M University, School of Law, https://law.tamu.libguides.com/c.php?g=1054092&p=7656005
Black Equity Index (BEI)
The Black Equity Index (BEI) is a new initiative for organizations to advance, and measure progress toward racial equity in the workplace. Informed by DE&I practitioners, the new set of standards harnesses the power of data to create opportunity for Black professionals. Designed to drive systemic, sustainable change, this independent and credible benchmark provides greater accountability for companies and their leaders, allowing organizations to track progress and improve their practices year after year.
Self-care is a political act and always has been (mashable.com)
Many in U.S. face mental health issues as COVID-19 enters year two | Pew Research Center
Self-Care Is a Radical Act, But Not in the Way, We’re Practicing It (flare.com)
'The Unbearable Whiteness of Publishing' Revisited (publishersweekly.com)
Use the graphic from this for the post.
Racial Stress and Self-care: Parent Tip Tool
RESilience -- Uplifting Youth Through Healthy Communication About Race
Reading and RES: Parent Tip Tool -- Choosing and Using Books to Discuss Race and Ethnicity
Resources for Self-Care | Anti-Racism Resources (harvard.edu)
Scholarly Kitchen series on the concept of diversity tax
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: https://988lifeline.org/
Mindfulness Resources, The Center for Mindful Living: mindfullivingla.org
Guided Meditations in English & Spanish: uclahealth.org/marc/mindful-meditations
Breathing and Mindfulness Phone Apps: Breathe, Calm, Headspace.
Online Yoga, All Levels: doyogawithme.com
Crisis Text Line: free 24/7 text-based crisis intervention: text HOME to 741741 https://www.crisistextline.org/
Last updated 6/23/22. This table was created by the AUPresses Equity, Justice, and Inclusion Committee. Please note that several of these unions cover a broader group than just Press staff, and some unions only include certain groups of Press staff members.
Press | Union | Website |
Athabasca University Press | Athabasca University Faculty Association / Alberta Union of Public Employees | https://aufa.ca/ / https://www.aupe.org/ |
Duke Univ. Press | DUP Workers Union | https://www.dupworkersunion.org/ |
Harvard Univ. Press | Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers | https://huctw.org/ |
Oxford Univ. Press | Oxford University Press Union | https://oxfordpressunion.org/ |
Marine Corps University Press | American Federation of Government Employees | https://www.afge.org/ |
Michigan Publishing | Lecturers’ Employee Organization-Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums | https://leounion.org/ |
Michigan State Univ. Press | MSU Administrative Professionals Association | https://www.msuapa.org/ |
NYU Press | Union of Clerical, Administrative and Technical Staff at NYU | http://ucats3882.org/ |
San Diego State Univ. Press | California Faculty Association | https://www.calfac.org/ |
Temple University Press | Temple Association of University Professionals | https://taup.org/ |
Univ. of Alberta Press | Non-Academic Staff Association / Association of Academic Staff | https://nasaunion.ca/ / https://aasua.ca/ |
Univ. of California Press | University Professional and Technical Employees, CWA 9119 | http://www.upte.org/local/new/about/ |
Univ. of Georgia Press | United Campus Workers of Georgia | https://www.ucwga.com/ |
Univ. of Hawaiʻi Press | Hawaii Government Employees Association | https://www.hgea.org/ |
Univ. of Massachusetts Press | Professional Staff Union of the University of Massachusetts | University Staff Association | https://www.umass.edu/psumta/ | https://universitystaffassociation.org/ |
Univ. of Washington Press | UW Libraries Union | https://sites.google.com/view/uwlibunion/home |
Univ. of Wisconsin Press | United Faculty & Academic Staff | http://ufas.wi.aft.org/ |
Univ. Press of Florida | United Campus Workers | https://www.unitedcampusworkers.org/ |
Wayne State Univ. Press | UAW Professional and Administrative Union | UAW Staff Association | https://uaw1979.org/ |
Yale Univ. Press | The Union of Clerical & Technical Workers at Yale | https://local34.org/ |
Univ. of Texas Press | Texas State Employees Union | https://cwa-tseu.org/ |